Return & Refund Policy


Though we try our level best to ensure correct delivery as per your order but if in case of any discrepancy in the goods received, you intent to return the same. Kindly inform your Sales Executive or CRM or and if they approved in writing then arrange to return the same within a week or 15 days from invoicing which is ever earlier.

In case of return, due to any manufacturing defects, only the goods which have manufacturing defects will be accepted after confirmation in writing, and it should be return within 90 days from the date of supply. The returned goods can be replaced with the same article only.

If any goods will return without confirmation in writing from the mail id “”, Company will be compelled to debit 25% of net Goods Return amount(MRP should be charged, on the date of supply or the current MRP, whichever is lower)

As we deliver the goods freight paid, same is also expected from distributor, i.e. we should receive the Goods Return freight paid, otherwise the freight will be debited to the Customer. For clearance of account please do not forget to mention pertaining invoice no. The items discontinued by the Company, broken sizes or any loose stock i.e. not in Company standard policy shall not be accepted as Goods Return in any case.

All the necessary documents for returning the goods i:e

  1. Debit note with properly mentioned Item code, Size, Quantity, MRP, Reason, and other necessary requirements.
  2. Way bill (Road Permit)
  3. Bilty
  4. Other related documents / forms

These documents should be duly filled, signed and checked by you. Hence the company M/s RN Faucets Pvt Ltd, will not be liable for any penalty that arises because of any discrepancies in the documentation and same will be debited to your account. (It has been very important subject when the tax authority have become extra strict for ensuring compliance in documents.)

We request you to strictly adhere to above guidelines. Kindly acknowledge the same.

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